
Archive für: cad

[Interview] Watercooling manufacturer Monsoon

Header-Monsoon53e47245d32c3The hwp Benchtable – our first project with a complete custom loop watercooling system. The fascination „watercooling“ got us right from the beginning. Measure everything, search for the right parts that meets our requirements like the coolingpower, the noise and also the looks. The actual build process was a complete new and exciting experience, too.

In the end our loop consist out of Alphacool radiators, EKWB pump, reservoir and CPU block and all these parts are connected through Monsoon fittings. We chosen these products mostly because of the quality. But especially the Monsoon parts because of the unique design and also because Monsoon is the only company with such a wide range of colors through their whole lineup.



I´m proud to had the opportunity to work with the boys and girls over at Monsoon and that they supported us with parts for the benchtable. Now I´d like to present you the newest project we did together. Hardwarepoint had the honor to interview the modder „Boxgods“ from Monsoon. We asked 10 questions and he gives you and me a much deeper and closer look onto the Monsoon-Family. How everything started, whats up next and lots more.


Die Entstehung eines Wasserkühlers bei Liquid Extasy


Quelle: EVGA


Wie ihr bereits auf unserer Seite sehen und lesen konntet, hat Marc von Liquid Extasy einen Wasserkühler auf Basis einer Nvidia Geforce GTX980Ti entwickelt. Zu Beginn war es noch ein ganz normales Modell von EVGA in der Superclocked Variante mit ACX 2.0 Luftkühler, wie hier im Produktbild von EVGA zu sehen.

Wir wollen euch hier zeigen, wie so eine Entwicklung im Hause Liquid Extasy abläuft, wie die einzelnen Schritte aussehen, welche Maschinen dafür genutzt werden und euch evtl. auch den ein oder anderen tieferen Einblick in die Firma LE geben.
